One Good Way to Deal with Everyday Stress

By Alan Knight
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There is a lot of news surrounding the death of Chris Kyle, American Sniper, and the murder trial that has just come to a verdict.  Eddie Ray Routh was found guilty by a jury of the murder and has been sentenced to life in prison with no parole.  Routh had claimed he was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) although there were questions as to whether he had actually been in a combat zone.  The movie, American Sniper, based on the book written by Kyle, has been popular to say the least, earning more than $400 million at the box-office.  It was also nominated for an Academy Award and did win one Oscar.  There are several reasons for the popularity of the film.  There is the spirit of Americanism, celebrating the life of a real hero, and seeing the element of intense combat up close and in your face.  But there is another reason people were attracted to the movie and that is trying to understand the nature of PTSD.  Chris Kyle suffered from it in some degree, each time he returned from a tour.  How do you leave a battle zone where you have witnessed the killing of your buddies, where you have had to pull the trigger yourself in killing the enemy, and then return to the simple, peaceful, home life that you left a few months earlier?  How do you deal with it?  The magnitude of that level of stress is staggering.
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To some degree we all deal with stress on a daily basis.  It can be severe, such as dealing with things like natural disasters, car wrecks, the sudden death of a loved one, rape, assault, sexual abuse or childhood neglect.  Most of the stress that we deal with daily is less severe, but can become just as debilitating.  Stress related to the work environment is one of the most insidious.  Many people come home from work completely exhausted, not so much from physical exertion as from mental fatigue.  This can lead to sleepless nights fraught with worry about whether or not they can keep their job and support their family.  There are just as many elements that create stress at school.  Young children, especially in the teenage years, develop stress related personality problems that can remain long after childhood is over.  The point is, stress is a normal part of life that can either help us learn and grow or it can cause us significant problems.  Stress releases powerful neurochemicals and hormones that prepare us for action (fight or flight.)  If we don't take action, the stress response can lead to health issues.  Prolonged, uninterrupted, unexpected, and unmanageable stresses are the most damaging types.  In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors.  External factors include the physical environment, including, not only your job, but your relationships with others, your home, and all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you're confronted with on a daily basis.  Internal factors determine your body's ability to respond to and deal with these external stress-inducing factors. 
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One of the greatest accomplishments of those dealing with stress is to find a way to relax.  That may sound easy, but it’s not.  Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, backaches, nausea, and depression.  You might not even be aware of what’s causing the symptoms, but stress can definitely be at the root of physical ailments.  Allowing the mind and body to relax is paramount to reversing these debilitating effects.  Some people resort to drinking, others smoking, and the greater percentage will turn to pain relievers or muscle relaxers, some of which can be habit forming.  But there is one solution for relaxing the body that is all natural, that doesn't harm the body, and can create long-lasting relief without drugs of any kind.  The answer is “water therapy,” or as some refer to it, “hydrotherapy.” 
We've all had been in hot tubs or spas.  It can provide some comfort and relaxation, but at a cost.  Typically, the spas are expensive, more public in their design and use, and not convenient at all.  But there is a new product on the market that could provide what is missing.  It is the Walk-in Tub.

The Walk-in Tub is a self-contained, free-standing, bathtub spa that offers privacy, independence, and warm water therapy.  It’s also quite affordable.  The combination of heat, buoyancy of water, and massage from air and water jets provide much more than just a calming soak.  Stress is reduced naturally when the body is stimulated through massage, exercise and other means.  These activities release neurotransmitters called endorphins, which assist the body in handling pain, stress and emotional issues.  Warm water massage therapy in a Walk-in Tub is one way to release endorphins and in so doing naturally increasing pleasure and relieving stress.

Listen to a happy TubKing Customer
Headaches can be reduced as water jets provide swirling water and air jets induce bubbling water that helps to dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow.  Sleep may come faster and last longer for those who take advantage of hydrotherapy.  The National Sleep Foundation reports that soaking in warm water before bed can ease the transition into deeper sleep.  While this is critical for someone with insomnia, who wouldn't benefit from a better night's sleep that leads to feeling rejuvenated and well-rested every day?

Muscles and joints benefit from increased blood circulation provided by streaming warm water.  Skin and muscles loosen and relax, and the body naturally heals damaged areas through improved blood flow to injuries.

We will never eliminate stress from our lives.  We can only hope to manage it more effectively.  Learning to deal with daily stress can be greatly enhanced with the help of warm water therapy in the evening provided by the Walk-in Tub.
In this article, I talked about various forms of stress how it can have a negative effect our lives. I also discuss some way to effectively deal with stress especially the use of a Walk-In tub, with its hydro, air and warm water therapies. The walk-in tub can provide real relief from stress and the negative effects it places on our bodies. I'm glad I have a walk-in tub to help elevate my everyday stress.

Check out this short video about our Walk-in Tub Buyers guide.
If you’d like to receive a FREE Walk-In Tub Buyers’ Guide, click here.  Or, if you’d like to receive a FREE Clawfoot Tub Buyers’ Guide, click here. 

If you have a comment, please type it in the Comment section below.  Of course, I encourage you to share this article with your family, friends, and colleagues. 

Have a question?  Feel free to contact me at the number or email listed below and I’ll personally get back to you.  Thanks for reading; it’s been my pleasure to share this information with you.

Come visit us at the Jacksonville Spring Home & Patio Show this weekend, March 5-8, at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. 

Free Shipping on all Walk-in Tubs. Click here.
Alan Knight (now retired) is the former co-owner of Tub King, Inc., and  in Jacksonville, Florida. He had many years of experience in the antique and senior bathtub industries. These companies not only provide superior products, they are also multi-award winners, receiving the “Best of Jacksonville Chamber Award” four years running. To contact Tub King directly, call (800)843-4231 or email

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